
Jan 232013

After updating a Solaris 11.0 installation to Solaris 11.1 with pkg update – none of servers iSCSI -targets were accessible. Under Windows disk management partition would show up as RAW -partition, data could still be rescued with recovery -software.

After troubleshooting it came clear that i’m not the only one.

Problem is in ImmediateData, and it seems to be resolved in the latest Solaris 11.1 -update ( – which requires a support contract with Oracle to be downloaded….


If you don’t have access to Oracle Solaris Support -repository – stay in 11.0 until next major update is released, or use a workaround which disables ImmediateData:

Windows (tested):
1. Set the following registry value to 0:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\<Instance Number>\Parameters\ImmediateData
2. Reboot

Linux (tested):
1. Disable ImmediateData in iscsid.conf (location depends on distro) or use the same iscsiadm -command as in Solaris
2. Restart the iSCSI service

Solaris (untested):
1. Disable ImmediateData:
# iscsiadm -m node -T ${IQN} -p ${IP}:${PORT},${TPGT} -o update -n node.session.iscsi.ImmediateData -v No
2. Restart the iSCSI service:
# svcadm restart svc:/network/iscsi/initiator:default

ESXi (untested):
1. Backup vmkiscsid.db
2. Edit vmkiscsid.db with sqlite3:
select * from nodes; update nodes set ‘<immediatedatakey>’ = ‘No’
3. Replace vmkiscsid.db with modified version (if you didn’t edit it in place) and reboot server

Jan 202013

Debian Squeeze was released 06.02.2011.
Please note that Wheezy is still in testing -stage.  Debian Wheezy was released 04.05.2013

Just some quick steps how to do the upgrade (on your own risk).

Update Squeeze

aptitude update
aptidude upgrade
  1. Copy /etc/apt/sources.list to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-wheezy.list and replace squeeze with wheezy. Or copy them inside sources.list. Use whatever mirror which is closest to you.
    deb wheezy main contrib non-free
    deb wheezy-updates main contrib non-free
    deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
  2. Update repository
    aptitude update
  3. Upgrade critical parts first – it will complain about libept1 – just let it be removed.
    aptitude install dpkg apt aptitude
  4. (Dist-)upgrade rest
    aptitude upgrade
    aptitude dist-upgrade
    Replace grub2 with grub1 (or just keep your old menu.lst at /boot/grub/)

    aptitude purge grub-pc
    aptitude install grub-legacy
  6. Always check that /boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/grub.cfg exists and defaults to right kernel
  7. Reboot and hope for the best


<complete instructions>
</complete instructions>

Jan 202013

Debian 7.0(beta4) and i845G/GL didn’t work out-of-the box for me, X crashed without a log as soon as it tried to initialize.

After adding following to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/05-i845g.conf – everything seems to work:


Section “Device”
Option    “DRI”    “True”
Option    “Shadow”    “True”
Option    “XvMC”    “False”
Option    “XvPreferOverlay”    “False”
Identifier    “Card0”
Driver    “intel”
VendorName    “Intel Corporation”
BoardName    “82845G/GL [Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)
BusID    “PCI:0:2:0”


It’s possible that this is fixed when Wheezy is officially released, at least a bug has been reported.


Mar 132012

After quick hack-n-slash, it works. It works also on 3.0, if you want 3.1/3.2/3.3 – modify it yourself or wait until i need it 🙂

Needs quite non-intrusive modification to three files:

  • rr268x-linux-src-v1.6-legacy_single/osm/linux/osm_linux.h
    — fix autoconf
  • rr268x-linux-src-v1.6-legacy_single/osm/linux/os_linux.c
    — in 2.6.36 blkdev_get requires two parameters, in 2.6.37 three
  • rr268x-linux-src-v1.6-legacy_single/inc/linux/Makefile.def
    — mask 3.0 as 2.6, can be used to mask 3.1/3.2/3.3 also, and could probably be a lot prettier


Patchfile can be found here: < not recommended, get official fixed version from highpoint (unless you are absolutely sure you want to run v1.4 or v1.6).

* Update 05/2012 *  v1.6 patchfile found in /staging which is modified to mask all 3.x as 2.6

* Update 07/2012 * Just get v1.8 driver which is properly fixed by Highpoint:

* Update 01/2013 * There seems to be v1.9 driver released, with following info in README:
NOTE: The latest tested kernel version: 3.5.2.
v1.9.12.0817 08/17/2012
* Fixed a potential bug about fail to recover array.

Jan 182012

One way to get IPv6 /64 bridged to your LAN:

brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0
brctl addif br0 eth1
ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -p ! ipv6 -j DROP
ifconfig br0 up


Opened up: create software bridge from your WAN -interface to LAN -interface, but allow only IPv6 to fly over it. In my setup IPv4 is natted.

Dec 102011

Once upon a time, virtual was installed under full virtualization (KVM) -mode. Network wasn’t bridged, it was routed.

And then the problem: IPv6 -traffic flowed nicely inbound, but outbound was capped to about 128 kbps.

Troubleshooting: after googling around with ipv6, kvm and debian we came around to this, Debian bug report about GSO Ipv6 issues under KVM. It’s supposed to be fixed in 2.6.32-5-amd64 (2.6.32-39) -package…well, upgrading didn’t work for us, propably another (similar kind of) bug or something needs to be done at host-machine.

Workaround:  disabling virtio_net’s gso worked for us:

ifdown eth0; modprobe -r virtio_net; modprobe virtio_net gso=0; ifup eth0
Dec 092011

Debian Squeeze was released 06.02.2011 and Lenny’s support will (probably) be is discontinued since 06.02.2012.


Problem: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade broke everything, server did not boot anymore.

Troubleshooting: squeeze has grub2, which our Xen 3.x and pygrub didn’t understand

Solution: upgrading with following steps, use apt-get or aptitude, whichever you like.

  1. Update Lenny
    aptitude update
    aptidude upgrade
  2. Replace lenny with squeeze in /etc/apt/sources.list – or add necessary entries to another file under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    deb squeeze main contrib non-free
    deb squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
    deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
  3. Update repository
    aptitude update
  4. Upgrade critical parts first
    aptitude install dpkg apt aptitude
  5. (Dist-)upgrade rest
    aptitude upgrade
    aptitude dist-upgrade
  6. Replace grub2 with grub1 (or just keep your old menu.lst at /boot/grub/)
    aptitude purge grub-pc
    aptitude install grub-legacy
  7. Check that /boot/grub/menu.lst exists and defaults to right kernel
  8. Reboot and hope for the best


Also remember to use 2.6.39 -kernel from backports for live migration to work.
Update 01/2013: 2.6.32 -kernel usually works just fine, Lenny’s EOL date is 6.2.2012.